Allot of people don't know but Rob is loving his NEW job working with Robots. And the rest of you didn't know he was really BIG in making beer in Australia.
(Rob third from left)

When he reached the states he slowed down a little, allot. He was caught up in school , retiring from the Army, reentering the civilian life, and staring a new job.

He loves to make labels for his beer, and give them to close friends. He found this on line, it was perfect because he has one like it.

His first Bot Beer!

Not to shabby, it bubbled when it was suppose too. So we knew it was going to be a good batch. Nothing like cracking open a home brew and hearing that sound. I hope he continues his happy he does enjoy the out come. Broast!!
1 comment:
How did I miss this post. I love the labels.
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