Friday, September 2, 2011

My Granbabies ! Bragging.......................:~)

They main reason I went with Rob to DC, was because it was only 2 1/2 hours from my grand kids. After he was done with his work and me with my sight seeing, we left for PA.

My oldest son Jason who lived in Canada with his family took a big step and moved to the US for better medical for Joseph, who has mild autism. I'm so proud of Jason and Piera for sacrificing their lives for their child.
Jason (oldest son)and Juilan(my youngest grand son)
Look at Julian's eyes, he is gorgeous.

Lelia and Nikki

Lelia is the the oldest of my grand babies. Her birthday is 37 minutes before my birthday.

Adalyn and Matthew

Matthew my second child, and Adalyn my third grand baby.

Joseph and Piera

My second grand child.

GrandBob with his grand girls.

Playing peek-a-boo with Juilan. The things grand kids will make you do.

Crawling around.

"Why are you way over there BaBa?"

I'm a little slow at crawling I guess.

My favorite!

I must of took 20 or 30 of pics of these four. I knew there had to be at least one that was good one.

This one is going on the Grand kids wall, and GrandBob said he wanted one for his office too.

Maybe next time BaBa and GrandBob with them, yhea right they're quick!


Nikki said...

Cutest Grand kids ever!

Tania said...

What great pictures.I am so glad you were able to go and visit with them.