If there was one thing I wanted to do in New York was to go to Ground Zero and pay our respects.

We were in Bamberg Germany when this happened. I remembered being glued to the tv for days.

They are busy behind this walls digging and moving the earth. We were amazed the buildings around this site. Wondering what it was like that day.
God Bless all there families.

This is what it's suppose to look like. It will have 2 pools with waterfalls on the sides. Every one's name will be carved in these pools. They will have trees around the park that will turn red about Sept 11th.
This was very touching walking through the museum.

Heather wanted to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
She was so excited to see her famous artist. Monet.

They had so many rooms of different artifacts. We didn't have enough time to see the whole thing.

This was brought here piece by piece.

Jennifer had to go to Central Park and see the statue of Alice and Wonderland.
Yes, she is a big fan of this movie.
She like Tim Burton's movies.

Of course she took so many photos of this. LOL

Then they shooed us away, so they could do some filming.
I have no idea who they are.

The girls enjoying there trip.
Yes there is more pictures to follow.
More great pictures. I remember that day like it was yesterday. Hard to believe it was almost 9 years ago. We were having Justin's first birthday party with his playgroup that day. I remember sitting down for a cup of coffee and turned on the TV which was something I never did at 9 in the morning.
Hi Sonja,
Love these pictures. Our girls have wanted to go to NYC for a long time. They went with their dance studio to see a play, but didn't get to do much site seeing. It's on our list of things to do though. For now I can live vicariously through your pictures. Funny how your girls look so much alike much like our 2 girls do and they look the same age as our too...19 and alomost 18. Looks like you had a wonderful time.
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