Monday, July 27, 2009

Update on MY Grand babies

It's been awhile since I showed off my grand babies. I'm bad. Maybe I'm jealous of the family that is close to them and spoils them. But I always think of them every time I see a little one. Every time I hold a baby, I think of my gran babies. The other day I held a 7 month old little boy. Of course I thought of Joseph.
Look at my little man at 8 months and 1 week old. He is standing on his own! Of course the wall is helping , but still he is standing, and looks like having a good time. I do love you Joseph.
My little lady Leila at 10 months old getting a little sun in, and enjoying the quilt and blocks I made for her. I love you baby girl.
I'm so proud of my sons giving me 2 gorgeous babies. Of course my daughter in-laws had a lot to do with it.
My babies are so cute!


Anonymous said...

we had just a little to do with it, but they are the cutest babies in the world!

Tania said...

I love these pictures. You are really starting to see their personalities come out.

Judy said...

They are darling Sonja.