Sunday, May 11, 2008

Rob's Graduation

What a day! We drove to St Louis Friday after Rob came home from work. Found the hotel and had dinner, relaxed for the busy day Saturday morning. We walked over to the dome, and Rob signed in, and had breakfast.
Then we found the mascot, the Warlock. Rob was so excited! We walked around checking out the graduation site, and finely splitting up for the BIG day!

I'm so happy Rob decided to do this, since he didn't walk the stage with his Bachelors. Webster did a very professional job. It was a wonderful ceremony. Would you believe Rob is now talking about going for his Doctrine? He was impressed in the Doctrines gowns, now he wants one too. LOL
Well, another busy weakend at the Mawson! Next weak off to Jennifer's Ballet Rectial.

1 comment:

Tania said...

Congratulations Rob! We are all so proud of your accomplishment! We love you!